Sunday, February 12, 2012

Haute Holiday: Grammy Sunday!

Tonight is my favorite award show of the season! Don't get me wrong, I love the Oscar's, Emmy's, and Golden Globes too but I tune in to those strictly for the fashion. When I watch a show I expect A SHOW! Granted, the costumes tonight are going to be phenom; but the performances alone are reason to tune in, not to mention honoring the best in the biz.

Minus the invites and decor, tonight's get-together it's all about the refreshments - both liquid and edible. The entertainment is built-in and as long as you have a great guest list you are set.

Invites: I know it's too late to pull these off, but how brilliant are the cassette tape invites?!
Custom lanyards are also cool.

If you are going to be uber-formal and have a plated dinner use old records as chargers. La-la LOVE this look.

Grammy Grub: Use Grammy (ahem, Graham) Crackers as your constant ingredient:

For the liquid libations ... 

The Eventista's Edivce: get prepping! Showtime is at 8PM, red carpet an hour earlier. You can totally pull this off last minute, as long as you can drag yourself out of bed on lazy-Sunday! Xo

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Fashion + Fete: Madonna

I have longed for Super Sunday for the past four months for three reason: amazing eats, hysterical commercials, and the halftime show! If the Super Bowl were on a Monday I have no doubt it would be a national holiday! The NFL is genius for blending sports with music with emotion because they engage all audiences throughout the nation ... actually, the world; It get's everyone hyped.

See, even if you don't enjoy watching football the whole event that is The Super Bowl is so magical. As a planner, I shake thinking about the logistics of putting on a major production (aka concert) in 30 minutes or less -  and they always do it effortlessly. So, unless you live under a rock you know that Miss Madonna is this year's halftime performer. HUGE!!

What I admire so much about Madge (yea, I guess we are on a nickname basis) is that she is always re-inventing herself in order to stay current; Yet she stays SO true to the unique qualities that make her, her. It's always my goal to portray that sense of individuality and in-the-knowness when I conceptualize an event.

My imagination is running wild with ideas for a sleek & chic watch party for the Big Game. The  vibe was inspired by Madonna's new album cover.

Mirror, Mirror: Reflective surfaces enhance light and reflection in a subtle way, especially when used on a horizontal flat surface. Serve up cocktails on a glamorous tray, or serve your game day grub on sophisticated chargers.

The Queen of Pop: To offset the mirrored accessories,  I would totally use bright neon colors throughout the space. I'm not talking sensory overload or anything, just tasteful touches.

How fab is the dipped flatware?!

Material Girl: Another way to counterbalance the metallic shine from the mirrors is to add textures and patterns. When I select fabrics I tend to be over-the-top, but feel free to keep it simple too. Use fabrics on the table or as backdrops for your buffet table.

{Ikat table runner}

Although this is ridiculously caloric, I had to include this creative gourmet snack because it blends fashion, food, AND football.

If you appreciate my tastes but want to have a more traditional Super Bowl Bash, I approve of this party set-up because presentation is everything!

Celebrate responsibly!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

JL Confidential: Game Plan

September arrives and the greater population of our country switches on their blinders and only see one thing: end zones & field goals. Ok, that was two “things” but you know what I mean – FOOTBALL – and when you think football you think tailgates … and oh, do I know a thing or two about a tailgate. Being a Penn State student you are trained to tailgate (the Freshman dorms over look the tailgate parking field). Now we are gearing up for the ultimate tailgate - SUPER SUNDAY!

As I grew out of my college football-watching self and transitioned into the hip, haute hostess that I am years later, I have refined the art of tailgating into a glam get-together for both sexes to enjoy. Let’s face it: beer and junk food taste great together, but our waistlines don’t enjoy it so much. Instead of fatty fare opt for plentiful proteins, scrumptious sides, and delish desserts. When the menu offers less “finger foods” it is more likely you will become fuller faster and not sit, nosh, & put on the pounds. Instead of the standard meats – chicken, burgers, hotdogs – substitute for other wild animals and birds like quail, duck, and alligator.

Game day is all about noshing so here are some delish dishes to serve up to your guests:

{Bacon Wrapped Quail Egg}

 {BBQ Duck Spring Rolls}

{Gator Bites}

And since I have to represent my home team .. GO GIANTS! Everyone in Manhattan should order this display right now. Yes, those are all mini cupcakes!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Do the Write Thing.

With the technologically crazed world that we are living in today we can do anything from video chat with our cousin in China to purchasing the latest Chanel jacket straight off the runway from our cell phones.  Although all of these 2012 advantages make life a lot easier, they also allow people to forget their manners.  When was the last time you received a hand written thank-you note in the mail?  Do people even own stationary anymore, or even use the U.S. Postal Service? 

All of these digital advances have put us in a time poor society, but how can we forget our please and thank yous?  These internet aids are supposed to make our lives easier yet many of us just use them as an excuse to be just plain old lazy.  For as long as I can remember my mother always made me write thank-you notes, and I could never understand why.  I vividly recall spending the weekend following my Bat-Mitzvah writing over two hundred thank yous, feeling like my hand was about to fall off of my arm.  Why couldn’t I just pick up the phone and call my relatives or email them about that amazing gift they gave me?  The answer: tradition. 

People have been writing thank you notes since before the times of the Pony Express.  Kings and Queens would send out letters thanking people for visiting them.  So, if the royals can do it, why cant we?  It all comes down to one thing, laziness.  Society at large enjoys taking the easy way out.  We feel why cant we just pick up the phone, or write a quick little email?  Lets think of it this way – someone took their time to pick out a present for you, why shouldn’t you take some time to show your gratitude?  Does it really take that much energy to write a short little notes expressing your appreciation?

Writing thank you notes can actually be a way to show your individualism as well. Today there are endless options in the world of stationary from textured paper, to stamps, right down to the ink you use!  There are even website for the societal sloths where you can personalize stylish stationaries. Here are some of my faves: 

Lets face it, life is all about the little things. Those little gestures that make you smile.  If you can take five minutes and show someone your appreciation, just think of that smile you will bring to their face.  Gracias, Merci, Grazie; Any way you say it make sure it’s a great thank you.

As Always,
In Style We Trust

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Image Matters

I know we were all taught the famous saying  “don’t judge a book by its cover”. While I do believe that it is very true you can miss out on much by being narrow-minded and quick to assume based solely on a first impressions - the fact of the matter is, PERCEPTION IS KEY, and we only get one first impression to define the preferred image we desire to be conveyed. I know this is my first post and all (I'm Tamaa by the way, the JL Fabulista) but as a natural born Publicist I can't help but always be focused on brand awareness - and that starts with your own brand Y.O.U!

IMAGE MATTERS, and although it makes us all feel comfortable knowing it is not right to judge we know that subconsciously it is what is on that “books cover” that appeals or attracts us to even want to open up the book to find out more. This holds true for hosting and producing events. I hate to break it to you, and I'm sorry to burst your bubbles, but image is everything at an occasion that you want to mean EVERYTHING! They say if you want the part you have to become the part. This should be kept in mind when developing your party theme, conceptualizing a product launch, or designing the invitation. All of these elements represent you and what you and your event or company stand for, so be proud of them!

The initial interaction your guest has with your event is the invite. It should be exactly that … INVITING. You need to incorporate the 5W’s: who, what, where, when & why, but what people fail to take into consideration is the 6th W, the most important - the WOW factor, which shows instead of says why they should come! It is the look factor, the impress factor, the LOOK AT WHAT’S TO COME preview, and RSVP ASAP before you miss out sidebar. An engaging theme, unique personalization, and an unexpected element will present the impression to the invitee that they are about to take part of an exclusive experience.

Every outstanding party starts with stand-out invitation, and the only way to create memorable event statements is to ALWAYS be conscious of the image you portraying to your audience!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Haute Holidays: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

In celebration of the birthday of Dr. King I thought I would pay homage to his Nobel Peace Prize winning efforts for ending racial segregation. I find it not ironic, but iconic, that what he fought so hard to end is now the epitome of timeless sophistication. The combination of black & white in fashion and design is held to the highest standard.

I go cray-zeeee when I plan events that have a black and white foundation! I love adding bright pop hues for a wow factor; but by all time FAVE is infusing mixed metallics with these basics. Whatever you choose you can never go wrong, even when playing with patterns. You can mix textures and patterns together but so many of the classics look simply divine just as they are.


Polka Dot-inspired, White Anemones

Harlequin Dance Floor

Houndstooth Cake

Damask Menu

Zebra-print Bar

Black Lace Lighting

Striped Tablescape

Thank you Dr. King for making the world a much better, more peaceful place; And for allowing the creative brains in all of us to recognize the beauty and harmony between black and white.

“Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" - MLK

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Frosty Fantasies

When planning a wedding most brides tend to stay away from the winter season. “It’s too cold”, “I want to wear a sleeveless dress”, “What if guests flying in get delayed?” There are so many stipulations with having a winter wedding; we never stop and think about how amazing a winter wedding can truly be.

It is true that most people automatically assume a wedding in December will follow the traditional red and green color scheme with some tinsel and twine, and the idea of a tacky wedding scares every bride! But if I’m being honest here, there are a million ways those colors, add our own "tinsel and twine", and create the most fabulously chic wedding you have ever been to!

My motto is less is more, and while deep gem stone colors may sound appealing, hues that remind me of a snowy winter landscape - say, blue, silver, and white - with hints of shimmer make for a more elegant color scheme. Try a billowy approach when draping fabric from the ceiling to create a blanket of snow effect. If you are having an indoor ceremony use tall white branches to line the aisle. This is a great way to create a Winter scene that will make your guests feel like they are outside but keep them nice & cozy! The combination of  etched glassware and dainty white flowers give any table a snow-covered look, and hanging crystals from a centerpiece will not only be awe-inspiring for your guests but will also give the dripping icicle look for a whimsical Winter wonderland.

Let's be honest here, when you go to a wedding you are most excited for the cocktail hour to begin so you can get your drink on and try every mini food item that passes you! During the cold months people it would be a great surprise to add hot drinks to the bar menu. Offer flavored coffees, toppings, and liqueurs like Kahlua and Frangelico to spice things up. Shot glasses of eggnog or hot apple cider with bourbon would also do the trick. 

Being innovative with food is sometimes tricky if you don't want to spend a lot of money, so one way to enhance your dishes is to change up the shapes and colors. Yes, I said it, colors. Have the caterers cut the food into modern designs and use edible glitter paint to make the food shine. You can then create a stunning buffet display of the array of savory bites. Trust me, your guests will be impressed.

Finally sending your guests home with a thank you is SUPER important, but what kind of favor should you choose? You don’t want to pick something that people will throw away as soon as they get home, which is why I always say give people something they will use, or eat! Warm cookies or churros and a custom glass bottle of milk is the perfect sweet send off into a chilly night.

If what I just described doesn’t make you want to swap that April date for a December one, then I have failed as a wedding-crazed woman!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wedding Digits.

Do the day, time, and year of your wedding have more meaning than just a date? With all of the thousands of preparations that go into a wedding should the date be number one? Choosing a date to have that once in a lifetime event is hard enough, yet are there superstitions behind those actual numbers? I'm here, if you'll have me, to tackle the mystery of weddings by the numbers.

May is supposedly the unluckiest month to have a wedding according to ancient Romans. But I thought, “April showers bring May flowers?” They associated the month with death and black was usually worn all month.  And who said you can’t wear black to a wedding?             

And how about this rhyme:
Married in January’s roar and rime, 
Widowed you’ll be before your prime. 
Married in February’s sleepy weather, 
Life you’ll tread in time together.
Married when March winds shrill and roar,
Your home will lie on a distant shore.
Married ‘neath April’s changeful skies, 
A checkered path before you lies.
Married when bees o’er May blossoms flit,
Strangers around your board will sit.
Married in month of roses June,
Life will be one long honeymoon.
Married in July with flowers ablaze,
Bitter-sweet memories in after days.
Married in August’s heat and drowse,
Lover and friend in your chosen spouse.
Married in September’s golden glow,
Smooth and serene your life will go.
Married when leaves in October thin, 
Toil and hardships for you begin.
Married in veils of November mist, 
Fortune your wedding ring has kissed. 
Married in days of December’s cheer, 
Love’s star shines brighter from year to year.”

As if things weren’t hard enough do people really want to live on a distant shore? I don’t find that too appealing March. Honestly, how accurate can this be is rhymes? Maybe they wanted to use a different phrase but it just didn’t make the rhyming cut.  June used to be the month of month to get married since it is named after Juno, the Roman counterpart to Hera.  Hera was the God of… You guessed it Marriage. How Cliché.

Now if you’re still ready to go ahead with this marriage after the stress of choosing a month, its time to pick the date! As if the month wasn’t hard enough with twelve choices, there are an average of thirty days in every month to choose from. Still breathing? Sunday used to be the most popular day to wed since most people were off from work (Day of Rest). In the seventeenth century the Puritans put a stop to exchanging your vows on Sundays because it was indecent to be festive on the Sabbath.  Today Saturdays are the most popular despite the rhyme: Monday for health, Tuesday for wealth, Wednesday best of all,
Thursday for losses, Friday for crosses, Saturday for no luck at all.

Numerologists over the years have come up with their own theory of when to tie the knot.  Add the month, day, and year you will be married. If the answer is two digits, ad each digit together until you get a final 1 digit number. For example: Married: June 12, 1999 (June = 6). 6+ 1+2+1+ 9 + 9 +9 =37. 3 + 7 = 10. 1 + 0 = 1. Your Marriage Vibration Number = 1. According to Numerologists Vibration Numbers to avoid are 4, 8, and 5.  The number five specifically can lead to divorce between couples. 

A personal year, month or day of 1 is a number of beginnings, new starts. People in a 1 personal year, month or day have a tendency to be a bit self absorbed. Ambition is a key element of this number. Individualism. The number 1 does however remain a good number for a wedding date as it indicates a start and a commitment to the new life.

This website will actually calculates your date for you! 

These are the most sought out dates coming up in 2012/2013,  husbands-to-be you shouldn’t have too much trouble remembering your anniversary with these!
* 10/11/12 falls on a Thursday
* 12/12/12 falls on a Wednesday
* 11/12/13 falls on a Tuesday

So, if by now you’re in cardiac arrest I suggest to just run away and elope, Vegas is nice! But, if you’re still breathing, think of it this way: if the date never mattered to you in the first place you shouldn’t let this scare you.  We as humans know what is right and wrong for ourselves, and what can be right for you can be wrong for someone else.  Also, many of these theories are outdated from thousands of years ago.  Just stay true to yourself and you will have the day of your dreams!

As always,
Shelby, Author of In Style We Trust