Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Image Matters

I know we were all taught the famous saying  “don’t judge a book by its cover”. While I do believe that it is very true you can miss out on much by being narrow-minded and quick to assume based solely on a first impressions - the fact of the matter is, PERCEPTION IS KEY, and we only get one first impression to define the preferred image we desire to be conveyed. I know this is my first post and all (I'm Tamaa by the way, the JL Fabulista) but as a natural born Publicist I can't help but always be focused on brand awareness - and that starts with your own brand Y.O.U!

IMAGE MATTERS, and although it makes us all feel comfortable knowing it is not right to judge we know that subconsciously it is what is on that “books cover” that appeals or attracts us to even want to open up the book to find out more. This holds true for hosting and producing events. I hate to break it to you, and I'm sorry to burst your bubbles, but image is everything at an occasion that you want to mean EVERYTHING! They say if you want the part you have to become the part. This should be kept in mind when developing your party theme, conceptualizing a product launch, or designing the invitation. All of these elements represent you and what you and your event or company stand for, so be proud of them!

The initial interaction your guest has with your event is the invite. It should be exactly that … INVITING. You need to incorporate the 5W’s: who, what, where, when & why, but what people fail to take into consideration is the 6th W, the most important - the WOW factor, which shows instead of says why they should come! It is the look factor, the impress factor, the LOOK AT WHAT’S TO COME preview, and RSVP ASAP before you miss out sidebar. An engaging theme, unique personalization, and an unexpected element will present the impression to the invitee that they are about to take part of an exclusive experience.

Every outstanding party starts with stand-out invitation, and the only way to create memorable event statements is to ALWAYS be conscious of the image you portraying to your audience!